Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Calculator

Constructed by Thomas Mynors, based on AS S1 formulae
Online at http://

(clears all values)

Step 1: choose the number of sets of values:

Step 2: enter the x and y values and calculate

x y


x y x2 y2 xy

Sxx = Σ(x2) - (Σx)2/n
- 2/
Syy = Σ(y2) - (Σy)2/n
- 2/
Sxy = Σ(xy) - ((Σx)(Σy))/n
- ( x )/

r = Sxy = = ()
sqrt(SxxSyy) sqrt( x )

Further calculated values:

b = Sxy/Sxx = ' . $b . '
'; echo 'In the least squares regression line of y on x is y = a + bx, a = ' . (($sumy/$n)-($b*($sumx/$n))) . ''; } ?>